Genealogy and Thanksgiving!

thanksgivingOne week to Thanksgiving and I am thinking of genealogy (of course).

What better holiday is there for us genealogy loving folks than Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is ensconced at the very top of the list of holidays. Tradition-filled times of family, friends, and feasting.

As lovers of genealogy and family history there is much we can bring to the Thanksgiving table (besides a pumpkin pie) and that we can take away (in addition to some leftovers if we are lucky).

The first, and to me, most important thing genealogy fans can bring to the Thanksgiving gathering is the openness and acceptance we naturally bring to our genealogy work. We can work to insure that our holiday, while often focused on longtime family traditions is open to new ideas, new family members, and any differing lifestyles and/or beliefs that may come along with them. It's an opportunity to add new pages to your family story or, hopefully, find new ones!


This can be a touchy subject, we genealogists must be inclusive and accepting.  For instance, some homes have a blessing said at the table and some do not. Some may even have multiple blessings. As genealogists, we need to be especially sure that everyone feels comfortable and welcome at our tables whether it is at the ‘adult tables’ or the ‘kids tables’.  Religious beliefs and traditions are sometimes the backbone of genealogy research.


Traditions are a huge and highly significant part of Thanksgiving. From the menu and recipes to perhaps football or a family walk between dinner and dessert. Again, however, it is important that we do not become too hidebound in our view of these traditions by not allowing any new aspects to enter this holiday. Try discussing the origin of your family traditions and recipes - it could open up an entirely new story you weren't even aware of!


While not usually associated with Thanksgiving, technology is now a crucial part of our holiday as well. We ride the edge between those who seek to ban technology from the day and those who might overdo.  You can assign one tablet to be Skype and/or FaceTime Central and welcome its use. Encourage cameras of every type and relish in the hope that there will be hundreds of photos snapped and videos captured for your memory books and family trees. If you haven't done so, compare this year's photos to family members from the past that may be hiding in old family albums.


Sharing is perfect for Thanksgiving and there may be nothing better for your genealogy and family history. Stories, stories, stories! We love them, we cherish them, and we need to hear and preserve every single one of them! No better time than when we are all around the table, in the kitchen, etc. Roam every corner of your home all day eavesdropping for those stories and keep a pen and several good, small notebooks in your pocket so you can jot them down and note who said them if I want more depth later on.


Along with your fabulous family meal, holiday traditions and family time - enjoy being with your family, speaking with them, exchanging memories. You never know what you'll find!